Transformations: encountering gender and science


  • Dr Jana Funke

    University of Exeter

Project summary

Our team’s historical research has uncovered important information on the relationship between medical authority and patient experience and the development of diagnostic categories and treatment protocols. We will invite young transgender people, aged 16–25, to explore this material and co-conduct new research, including an oral history project and a programme of creative responses leading to a performance and exhibition in four venues across the UK.

We will collaborate with a uniquely qualified group of writers, performers and youth facilitators, known for their pioneering work with the trans community. It will empower young people to: contribute to and enhance health and humanities research and public engagement practices; investigate clinical and diagnostic protocols and transform clinical dialogue; and shape public debate with intellectually, artistically and emotionally powerful performances and exhibitions. The co-production model at the heart of the programme will continually feed into ongoing research activities.