Climate and Health

Our mission is to generate the health evidence for policy action that protects health from climate change.

By working with researchers and other organisations, we’re supporting the climate and health field to embed health research into climate policy.

Testing soil health in Western Kenya

The problem 

Climate change is a health crisis, but it's not framed that way in the mainstream conversation. We still don't fully understand all the ways it impacts health, and the evidence we do have isn't translating into policy action. Health research can help us understand the full scale of the crisis. We need to urgently scale up evidence-based climate action to improve and protect our health.

Our goals 

Better understanding of how climate change affects health

Transformative research in diverse communities informs effective, health-focussed climate action and solutions that are acceptable and affordable in the relevant locations.

A thriving climate and health field

More collaborative networks, better research infrastructure and more funding for climate and health research.

Research evidence becomes policy solutions

Health is central to the mainstream discussion of climate change in all forums and evidence is translated into urgent climate mitigation and adaptation actions.

How we’re doing this 

Funding research

We fund research which fills gaps in our understanding of how climate change is affecting our health. We also fund studies on the health impacts of climate change adaptation and mitigation actions.

This research generates evidence we need to design climate and health policies which are effective, health-centred and locally relevant. 

Supporting the climate and health field

We’re strengthening the climate and health field by supporting collaborative networks and funding transdisciplinary research projects.

This work builds the global community, infrastructure and funding opportunities needed for more climate and health research and to translate that research into action. 

Advocating for health-centred climate action

We are championing evidence to inspire urgent, large-scale climate action that prioritises human health. We do this by working with international institutions, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), charities, governments and affected communities and by funding research projects with embedded policy expertise.

Through community engagement, campaigns and cultural partnerships, we’re working with communities and engaging the whole of society to ensure the cultural impact and relevance of our climate and health work.

Funding opportunities

Our Climate and Health programme is looking to fund research about the impact climate change has on human health and the health impacts of mitigation and adaptation actions. You may also be interested in our Discovery Research programme which funds fields and disciplines seeking new knowledge on life, health and wellbeing, including questions related to climate and health.

Contract opportunities

We invite organisations to apply for contract opportunities that support our mission to generate the health evidence for policy action that protects health from climate change.

Our work in action 

Our team 

Latest report