The relationship between disordered eating and substance use among street-involved youth
Year of award: 2017
Nicole Luongo
King's College London
Project summary
The interaction between eating disorders (EDs) and substance abuse disorders (SUDs) is well documented. Most existing studies draw from clinical rather than community-based samples but this excludes a large group of people whose symptoms are not severe enough to warrant treatment or those for whom treatment is inaccessible due to cost or other factors.
I intend to build upon existing research by expanding the dominant narrative around the prevalence of comorbid EDs and SUDs outside the clinical setting. I will conduct an ethnographic exploration of street-involved youths’ lived experience of disordered eating, substance abuse, and the inter-relationship between the two. My primary goals, based on preliminary research conducted for my MA thesis, are: to identify the extent to which body image concerns motivate substance abuse; to determine whether the cessation of alcohol and illicit drug use prompts renewed interest in other health-promoting behaviours such as healthy eating and exercise; and to explore whether unintentional self-starvation due to food insecurity facilitates neurological changes that correlate with an increase in substance abuse.
Ultimately, I hope to work in a community setting to develop accessible, affordable and culturally competent treatment options for socioeconomically marginalised youth.