The control of signalling by members of the rhomboid-like superfamily


  • Prof Matthew Freeman

    University of Oxford

Project summary

Professor Freeman plans to investigate how intercellular signalling is controlled in order to regulate nearly every facet of human physiology. Professor Freeman and his team have recently discovered that proteins of the rhomboid-like superfamily (polytopic membrane proteins related to rhomboid intramembrane proteases, most of which, however, lack protease active sites) act as regulatory adapters to control the fate of growth factors and cytokines, as they are trafficked through the cell. He will examine the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which rhomboid-like proteins determine the fate of signalling proteins, discover how rhomboid-like proteins are influenced by physiological cues, and determine their physiological significance and relevance to human disease. The further understanding of these rhomboid-like proteins may lead to the development of future therapeutic strategies.