Spatio-temporally multiplexed 2-photon imaging determining neural coding principles of sensory perception

Year of award: 2015


  • Dr Michael Kohl

    University of Oxford

Project summary

How does the brain encode the contents of sensory perception and translate them into meaningful neuronal representations of our environment? We know approximately how sensory input is routed through different brain areas, each extracting distinct aspects of the percept, but the neuronal language used to represent sensory experiences remains elusive. We will unravel the coding strategies employed in the neuronal representation of tactile sensory input.

We will use two-photon microscopy and optogenetic tools to monitor and manipulate neural activity in the neocortex of mice. Combining cell type and circuit-specific optical recording and manipulation in studies of awake, behaving mice will permit significant conclusions about general coding principles and allow causal links between neural codes and behavioural output. We will record neural activity in at least two different depths in the cerebral cortex simultaneously.

Data generated with this technology will be key to understanding neural circuit function in different cortical layers and provide preliminary data for more substantial research