MH:2K – a youth-led approach to exploring mental health


  • The Involve Foundation

Project summary

We will empower young people to explore science and research into mental health, influencing research priorities and decision-making in the public sector. We will build on our successful pilot in Oldham, turning it into a financially sustainable model that will have a national impact. We will test the MH:2K model in four areas that are demographically and geographically different to Oldham and build a network of local and national champions who will promote the model.

By the end of this project, we will have enabled more than 2,000 diverse young people – particularly those who have had limited opportunities to be involved in science – to explore research about mental health and its social and cultural effects. We will offer researchers and decision-makers a youth-led perspective on mental health that takes account of the changing environment facing young people. This will encourage critical engagement with mental health research, informed decisions and increased knowledge of, and appetite for, public engagement. We will also collect the evidence and support needed to make MH:2K financially sustainable.