Investigating the impact of insecticide resistance and the immune system on Plasmodium falciparum development in the major malaria vector Anopheles funestus in Cameroon


  • Dr Cyrille Ndo

    Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Project summary

Cyrille is a molecular entomologist conducting research activities both at the Malaria Research Laboratory, OCEAC, Cameroon, and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. The goals of his Fellowship are: to assess whether insecticide resistance alters or enhances Anopheles funestus vectorial capacity; to identify key immune genes controlling Plasmodium falciparum development in Anopheles funestus; and to study the genetic variability of main immune genes in natural Anopheles funestus populations, in order to detect potential signatures of selection.

This grant was awarded under the scheme's previous name of Training Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine.