Healthy movement in southern Africa: towards improved responses to communicable diseases


  • Dr Joanna Vearey

    University of the Witwatersrand

Project summary

We will develop an 18-month programme to support experiments in creative public engagement activities in collaboration with diverse interest groups to promote the roles of research and new knowledge addressing migration and health in Southern Africa (SA). Audiences will include civil society, artists, policy makers, practitioners and service providers, media, migrant groups and migrant-hosting communities. We will establish new collaborations to support innovative and creative approaches to public engagement, funding five three-month fellowships for professional artists based in SA that explore the role of art as public engagement, engaging with different people through a range of creative engagement activities. 

Proposed activities include interactive conversations, arts-based workshops, community screenings, citizen journalism, webinars and Twitterthons. In addition, funds will support an interactive publication to enable two-way engagement and interaction with multiple audiences, including a guide for schools and public and online exhibitions. 

Visit the Migration and Health Project Southern Africa.

This grant was awarded under the scheme's previous name of Provision for Public Engagement.