Global fertility chains: a new political economy of cross-border reproduction
Year of award: 2018
Prof Bronwyn Parry
King's College London
Project summary
Assisted reproduction is rapidly developing worldwide, but its delivery varies from country to country. Each has its own regulation that governs surrogacy, egg donation and IVF, and has different kinds of producers and consumers of these services. As access to such services closes in one location due to bans or too much demand, those who offer such services, such as fertility companies, donors and clinicians, look to provide them in other jurisdictions. This creates a globally networked market in assisted reproductive services.
We will create a new research network of scholars who can theorise the nature of this new political economy in cross-border reproduction and critically examine the emergence of these new global fertility chains. We will have an international workshop and conference resulting in several publications and a larger grant proposal to continue this research.