Developing a universal antivenom to treat snake venom-induced consumption coagulopathy


  • Dr Nicholas Casewell

    Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Project summary

My research focuses on snakebite and antivenom treatments and this programme of public engagement will raise the profile of the health issues in this area. The programme will involve public events and discussions held at zoos and parks, as well as at local schools and Café Scientifiques. There is also a planned BBC documentary filmed in sub-Saharan Africa, and a short animation on the key points about snakebite disease and its treatment. We hope to engage a broad public audience in the issues around antivenom, its use and availability, particularly highlighting the influence of current research on people who have been bitten by a snake.  

Why snakes and people should mix - watch a short video

This grant was awarded under the scheme's previous name of Provision for Public Engagement.