Clock control of inflammation in the lung


  • Prof David Ray

    University of Manchester

Project summary

Our team will engage audiences with biotiming research and its impact on society. We will foster a culture where our researchers embed engagement and social responsibility into their work. We will establish partnerships with the public programmes team and Policy@Manchester, as well as respiratory patients who have contributed to our research, young people and people with asthma. We will also work with Manchester Science Festival, Hack Manchester and the Hospital Broadcasting Association.

We will engage people at festivals to increase awareness of biotiming and how it might change their attitude to sleep. Our audiences will include patients, gaming communities, teenagers, shift workers, policy makers and the wider public.

We will also engage larger, national audiences using responsive activities and new approaches to technology in research, digital games to engage teenagers, a radio documentary about biotiming and shift work, as well as articles. We will also create a biotiming alliance to inform policy regarding patient safety and reducing NHS costs.