Advanced Therapies for Regenerative Medicine 


  • Dr Francesca Spagnoli

    King's College London

Project summary

The goal of the programme is to train a new generation of researchers in the advanced therapies that underpin regenerative medicine, including cell transplantation, gene therapy and endogenous tissue repair. At the heart of this field is the importance of translating laboratory-based studies to benefit patients. Students will gain knowledge of the underpinning science, and clinical and commercial applications. 

We will bring together researchers in different disciplines, so that the students appreciate the creative possibilities of working at the interface between different fields. Supervisors are drawn from across King’s College London, spanning clinical, non-clinical, early, mid-career and senior researchers. The first year comprises three rotations combined with taught courses and master classes. This is followed by three years of focused research. Partner organisations and secondments provide additional training opportunities. 

The programme emphasises growing as a scientist, exploring post-PhD opportunities and the scientist in society.