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A look at our Responsive Dialogues dialogues work, which connects stakeholders in a community to discuss evidence about drug-resistant infections and generate practical steps to address it.

Community engagement at Wellcome: creating impact together

We put communities most impacted by urgent global health challenges at the heart of what we do. The community engagement we support visibly and meaningfully involves those communities in Wellcome’s work to help enable collective change.

Our approach to engaging communities 

Community engagement plays a vital role in supporting science to solve urgent challenges and in creating mutual trust and acceptance across communities.

We aim to build connection, to prioritise local knowledge and expectations and to enable communities to play a meaningful role alongside health research.

To foster this relationship, we need to focus on:

  • Listening and working well with communities to understand how health research might impact people's lives and experiences.
  • Recognising the nuances of engagement and working with appropriate partners to build relationships and work well within different contexts.
  • Considering how assets and resources within communities can be leveraged in support of urgent health challenges.

What we're doing 

We’re working to advance the objectives of Wellcome’s strategy in each area outlined below. These include a broad programme of discovery research and a focus on the urgent health challenges of infectious disease, climate and health, and mental health.


Communities affected by health challenges play a central and active role in tackling them, and so we are prioritising the potential of this active community contribution alongside research.

Our goal is to influence ways that communities can play a role at different stages of Wellcome's work:


We’re creating better contextual understanding and early engagement to help decision-making around research priorities and amplifying the voice of communities most affected to key decision-makers.


We’re learning about how research works well with communities, through work on human-centred clinical trials and by supporting collective knowledge (for example, community-generated data to augment research).


We’re engaging communities in research uptake and outcomes to guide design of interventions of research and policies and to support sustained impact.

Funding and partnerships

We're exploring how funding and other resources can support collective action towards Wellcome’s goals and ensure long-term sustainability. To do this, we work with a wide range of local partners and build sustainable relationships in key geographies. Our team holds the relationship to Community Engagement teams in our Africa and Asia programmes. We connect with other funders and global partners to join up investment, approaches and to improve the evidence base of community engagement.

Examples of our work 

Climate and health engagement leadership

We recruit changemakers passionate about addressing health challenges posed by climate change. In our programme, they develop a deeper understanding of the climate and health intersection, while gaining skills, tools and relationships to achieve engagement and impact in their work.

Learn more on the Dalberg website

Drug-resistant infections dialogues

Responsive Dialogues connects stakeholders in a community to discuss, debate and respond to evidence about drug-resistant infections, and to generate concrete practical steps to addressing it. We developed an adaptable guide to support its implementation in any country.

Learn about Responsive Dialogues [PDF]

Centres for Exchange

Centres for Exchange aims to support more effective and meaningful routes for knowledge exchange with diverse communities in the research ecosystem. We are seed funding organisations in South Africa, Kenya and India, alongside the development of a global learning network.

Learn more about Centres for Exchange

Our team 

  • Haidee Bell

    Participation Lead

  • Greer Roberts

    Funding & Partnerships Lead