Advancing climate mitigation policy solutions with health co-benefits in G7 countries

This award will fund collaborations between researchers and policy actors who have a clear opportunity to influence climate mitigation policies with substantial health effects. Successful applicants will generate evidence that will support policymakers in G7 countries to advance transformative health-centred changes in the food systems, transport, energy or housing sectors.

This call is focused on G7 countries as a group of states with high levels of historical emissions and large economies.  

Scheme at a glance 

This scheme is now closed

Lead applicant career stage:
Administering organisation location:
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, USA
Funding amount:

up to £2 million per award

Funding duration:

up to 3 years

Eligibility and suitability 

What we offer 

How to apply 

Key dates 

You must submit your application by 17:00 GMT on the deadline day. We don’t accept late applications.  

Closed to new applications

  1. Monday 31 October 2022

    Application deadline

  2. Week commencing 13 February 2023

    Panel meeting

  3. February 2023


Contact us 

Useful documents