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Grant fundingSchemes
Grant fundingSchemes

Research Enrichment – Public Engagement

This funding supports Wellcome grantholders who want to use public insights to develop their research. Find out what we offer and how to apply.

Lead applicant career stage:

  • Leading a research programme
  • Postdoctoral research
  • Returning to research

Administering organisation location:

Funding duration:

Funding amount:

Strategic programme:



Grant fundingSchemes
Grant fundingSchemes

Public Engagement Fund (closed)

This fund enables individuals and organisations to use creative approaches in engaging the public with health research.

Lead applicant career stage:

Administering organisation location:

Funding duration:

Funding amount:

Strategic programme:



Grant fundingGuidance
Grant fundingGuidance

Using an engaged research approach

We believe using an engaged research approach improves research and makes it more impactful. This guide outlines what we mean by engaged research and provides resources and…
News and announcementsExpert prespective
News and announcementsExpert prespective

How directed funding is tackling barriers to progress in research

Christiane Hertz-Fowler, our Head of Directed Activity, outlines what we mean by directed funding, the types of initiatives it supports and how it can drive major advances in…
News and announcementsExpert prespective
News and announcementsExpert prespective

Covid-19: what’s good for public health is also good for the economy

Covid-19 is exacerbating existing health, economic and social inequalities in the US and across the world. Claude Lopez explains why investing in coronavirus treatment…
Grant fundingSchemes
Grant fundingSchemes

Engagement Fellowships (Closed)

Developing emerging leaders from a range of backgrounds so they can engage the public with health research.

Lead applicant career stage:

Administering organisation location:

Funding duration:

Funding amount:

Strategic programme:



News and announcementsNews
News and announcementsNews

Unblocking barriers to progress in bioimaging

Bioimaging is vital to the future of health research, but there are barriers to access and progress in the field. Wellcome’s Marion Mercier and Luigi Martino explain how we'…
What we do
What we do

What we do

Wellcome improves health for everyone by funding research, leading policy and advocacy campaigns, and building global partnerships. 
News and announcementsExplainer
News and announcementsExplainer

What is a zoonotic disease?

Zoonotic diseases represent a major global public health problem due to our close relationship with animals. But how do they spread and how can they be prevented?
Press release
Press release

Barriers to HIV testing in older children

Concerns about guardianship and privacy can discourage clinics from testing children for HIV, according to new research from Zimbabwe funded by the Wellcome Trust and…