SFI-HRB-Wellcome Research Partnership
Some researchers in the Republic of Ireland are funded through our partnership with Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and the Health Research Board (HRB).
The SFI-HRB-Wellcome Research Partnership does not provide funding for our Early-Career Awards, Career Development Awards or Discovery Awards.
The partnership will continue to support all current funded awards to completion and eligible applicants to the final round of closing schemes will still be considered for partnership funding.
Who can be funded through the partnership
You must be based in the Republic of Ireland and eligible for one of the following schemes:
- Investigator Awards in Science
- Seed Awards in Science
- Collaborative Awards in Science
- Principal Research Fellowships
- Senior Research Fellowships
- Clinical Research Career Development Fellowships
- Research Career Development Fellowships
- Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Research Career Re-entry Fellowships
A list of eligible research bodies is on the SFI website.
If you want to move your award from one administering organisation to another, you must contact us first.
Who can't be funded through the partnership
You can’t be funded through the partnership if your research:
- intends to create human embryos solely for the purpose of research or for the purpose of stem cell procurement, including by means of somatic cell nuclear transfer
- uses human embryonic stem cells or tissues
- is in technology transfer or the medical humanities.
Please contact us if you want to apply for research in one of these areas. We may be willing to fund you outside the partnership agreement.
Assessing eligibility
When we consider funding applications, we decide if they’re eligible for funding under the SFI-HRB-Wellcome Research Partnership.
We consider applications from the Republic of Ireland in competition with applications from other countries.
We will tell you if you’re eligible and contact SFI and the HRB. We may share your application information with them.
If you’ve previously held an award from SFI or the HRB, we may consider progress and outputs when we assess your application.
What we do
Wellcome is responsible for administering applications and awards made under the SFI-HRB-Wellcome Research Partnership, in line with our grant conditions and funding policies.
We make awards directly to the administering organisations.
We review awards made under this partnership and inform SFI and the HRB of any review outcomes.
Our policy on intellectual property applies under the partnership.
Overheads are not covered by the partnership.
Help and advice
If you have a question about SFI or the HRB’s participation in this scheme or you want to request an endorsement, please email contact@wellcome-ireland.com.
If you have a question about your application, please email sciencegrants@wellcome.org or telephone 00 44 (0)20 7611 5757.
Watch a webinar about our funding for applicants based in the Republic of Ireland. The webinar focuses on Research Career Development Fellowships and Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships. It includes tips on what we look for, how to write an application, common mistakes to avoid and a Q&A.