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Mpox: what we know so far

Why disease surveillance and cooperation will be key to managing this outbreak and others in the future. 

Why is it so hard to develop new antibiotics?

Discovering and then bringing new antibiotics to market is a tricky challenge – but one we need to solve if we want to be better protected against the growing threat of drug-…
What we doOur work
What we doOur work

Open research

We want the research we fund – like publications, data, software and materials – to be open and accessible, so it can have the greatest possible impact.
Grant fundingSchemes
Grant fundingSchemes

Engagement Fellowships (Closed)

Developing emerging leaders from a range of backgrounds so they can engage the public with health research.

Lead applicant career stage:


Administering organisation location:


Funding duration:

Up to 2 years. Can be done part time.

Funding amount:

Salary and research expenses covered

Strategic programme:

Not aligned to our strategic programmes




Grant fundingGuidance
Grant fundingGuidance

Flexible research careers

We understand that different people choose different career paths, so we want to provide flexible research career opportunities.

How to prevent another major pandemic

The world could have been much better prepared for Covid-19. So now we must ask: How well prepared are we going to be for the next pandemic?  

Seven vital questions about RNA Covid-19 vaccines

Both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines, unlike the vaccines we already use for other diseases, have been developed using ribonucleic acid (RNA) technology. So…
What we doInfectious disease
What we doInfectious disease

Covid-19: supporting global research and development

We want to help the world overcome Covid-19. We’re calling for urgent international action to get lifesaving tests, treatments and vaccines from the laboratory to the front…

Value people as well as papers to improve research culture

As scientists, we try to make sure our research is rigorous so that we can avoid costly errors. We should take the same approach to tackle issues in research culture, says…
Press release
Press release

Nurturing tomorrow's research leaders

Humans have strong preferences for fairness and equality, and these preferences motivate altruistic behaviour. But what is it that makes us behave unselfishly towards others…