Diversity and inclusion – our people
We are committed to broadening the diversity of people we employ so that our workforce is more representative of all sections of society, at all levels of the organisation.
We are building an inclusive culture, where different perspectives are seen as an asset and nobody is made to feel like they don’t belong.
By driving different, creative and fresh ways of thinking, diversity – in an inclusive environment – will help us work better together.
What do we mean by diversity and inclusion?
Diversity means all the visible and non-visible ways in which we differ. This includes the categories protected by UK law (age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation), as well as socio-economic background and ways of thinking.
Inclusion means ensuring that everyone is welcomed, respected and valued. We want to understand the different experiences people have because of their identities and ensure that everyone is treated equitably.
In 2023, Wellcome placed 73rd on Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index: achieving a position on their Top 100 Employers List and receiving a Gold Award for efforts towards LGBTQ+ inclusion.
Wellcome is also in the Top 75 of the Social Mobility Foundation’s Employer Index for 2022, ranking 65th out of 149 employers across 25 sectors.
Our programmes, training and policies
The work we have done to increase diversity and inclusion at Wellcome includes:
- being a member of the Business Disability Forum
- publishing our gender and ethnicity pay gaps and action plans to eliminate them
- anti-racism and anti-ableism programmes comprised of learning, support and structural change
- a wellbeing programme comprised of mental, physical, financial and social wellbeing, including counselling
- a trans inclusion policy and supporting guidance
- generous family leave policies, including maternity, paternity, shared and adoption
- support and guidance with reasonable adjustments
- a flexible working policy to consider temporary and permanent requests to work different patterns
- on-site multifaith prayer room, baby feeding room, accessible and gender-neutral bathrooms, wellbeing and reflection spaces, and quiet zones
- a management development programme including an inclusion module
- interview skills training to disrupt bias
- encouraging applications from people of all backgrounds by advertising all our vacancies on Evenbreak and Vercida
Staff diversity networks
We have a number of staff-led networks which actively promote diversity and inclusion at Wellcome and ensure that our policies and practices reflect the lived experience of staff. Volunteers are supported with dedicated budgets, protected time, executive sponsors, training and guidance to help them succeed in their roles.
- Disability Interest Group – working towards achieving equality for disabled employees and those with chronic health conditions or who are neurodivergent. The network aims to create a supportive working environment and policy framework, and encourage everyone at Wellcome to understand the needs of disabled individuals.
- Interfaith at Wellcome – making Wellcome more inclusive for employees who have a belief or faith.
- LGBTQ+ at Wellcome – creating a safe, fun, supportive and inclusive space for all LGBTQ+ employees. It looks after their needs, raises awareness and provides advisory services around LGBTQ+ issues.
- Parents and Carers at Wellcome – championing all employees with caring responsibilities. This group offers support and guidance, and helps them achieve their full potential.
- Socio-Economic Equity Staff Network at Wellcome (SEESAW) – focusing on reducing barriers faced by staff from lower socio-economic backgrounds, as well as raising awareness of socio-economic issues in our work.
- Wellcome Race Equity Network (WREN) at Wellcome – pushing Wellcome to lead the way as a racially diverse and inclusive employer, funder and advocate for better science and health research for all.
- Women of Wellcome – supporting, advocating for, and connecting women of all backgrounds at Wellcome, and raising awareness of issues they may face in the workplace and beyond.

Get in touch
We are always looking to improve, so if you have a suggestion or feedback, please get in touch with us at inclusion@wellcome.org.
Find a job at Wellcome
See our current vacancies.