Climate Impacts Awards: Unlocking urgent climate action by making the health effects of climate change visible

The aim of this scheme is to make the impacts of climate change on physical and mental health visible to drive urgent climate policy action at scale. We will fund transdisciplinary teams to deliver short-term, high-impact projects that maximise policy outcomes by combining evidence generation with influencing and engagement strategies.

Scheme at a glance 

Lead applicant career stage:
Administering organisation location:
Anywhere in the world (apart from mainland China)
Funding amount:

Up to £2.5 million

Funding duration:

Up to 3 years


Next deadline

Calculating next key date…
Application process timeline

Who can apply 

If you’ve spent time away from research

Career breaks, parental leave, sick leave

You can apply if you've been away from research (for example, a career break, maternity leave or long-term sick leave). We will take this into consideration during the review of your application. 


If you have retired, you must contact us before applying. You must have a guarantee of space from your organisation for the duration of the award.

Working part-time

Lead and coapplicants can be part-time, but part-time applicants should still be able to contribute at least 20% of their research time to the project. Their part-time work should be compatible with delivering the project successfully.


We will accept resubmissions for proposals that were shortlisted in the 2023 or 2024 Climate Impacts Awards. Teams must demonstrate significant revisions to the application based on the feedback provided. Teams can only reapply once to the Climate Impacts Awards with the same project.

Who cannot apply 

You cannot apply for this award if:

  • You intend to carry out activities which involve the transfer of funds into mainland China.
  • You cannot demonstrate that you can dedicate enough time and resources to the project if funded.
  • You are already an applicant on two applications for this funding call:
    • You can only be a lead applicant on one application and a coapplicant on another application.
    • You can be a coapplicant on two applications.
    • You must demonstrate that you have sufficient capacity for both projects if funded. The applications should be for different projects with no overlap of activities.
  • You already have applied for, or hold, the maximum number of Wellcome awards for your career stage.  

Is your organisation right for this scheme? 

The administering organisation is where the lead applicant is based. It is responsible for submitting your final application to Wellcome and managing the finances of the grant if it is awarded.

The administering organisation can be based anywhere in the world apart from mainland China. It must be able to sign up to Wellcome’s grant conditions.

The administering organisation can be a:

  • higher education institution
  • research institute
  • non-academic healthcare organisation
  • not-for-profit or non-governmental organisation 

Commercial organisations are not eligible to apply as administering organisation for this call. However, coapplicants and collaborators can be based at commercial organisations.  

What’s expected of lead applicant and coapplicant organisations

We expect organisations based in the UK to meet the responsibilities required by the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers for institutions, managers and researchers.

Any organisation with Wellcome funding that is based outside the UK is expected, at a minimum, to follow the principles of the Concordat.

We also expect organisations to:

  • Guarantee that the space and resources applicants need have been agreed and will be made available to them from start date through to the end date of the award.
  • Explain how the application fits with the strategic aims of the organisation.
  • Give applicants and any staff employed on the grant at least 10 days a year (pro rata if part-time) to undertake training and continuing professional development (CPD) in line with the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers. This should include the responsible conduct of research, research leadership, people management, diversity and inclusion, and the promotion of a healthy research culture.
  • Provide a system of onboarding, embedding and planning for you when you join the organisation and/or start the award. 

Your research environment

Wellcome believes that a diversity of people and expertise leads to richer understanding and more impactful discoveries. Excellent research happens in environments where people from all backgrounds are treated with respect, are supported and enabled to thrive.

Our definition of a research environment is not restricted to the quality of the infrastructure, but also considers the culture and behaviours that create excellent research practice. This includes research that is inclusive in design and practice, ethical and engaged with relevant community stakeholders, as well as open and transparent.

Read more about research environment and culture.

Is your research right for this scheme? 

What your research proposal must include

We are looking for proposals that generate context-specific evidence using community knowledge and experiences to deliver actionable policy outcomes that can be scaled to multiple settings.

We will prioritise funding for research that involves and serves the needs of communities most impacted by the health effects of climate change. We will also prioritise projects that advance stories and narratives that tend to be absent in the media or underrepresented in public discourse (Perga et al, 2023). This will include generating and/or synthesising relevant data and insights (including across multiple sites or countries) on significant health issues arising from climate impacts.

We will support proposals that: 

  • Invest in research: Teams must identify an evidence gap that can be filled within a short time frame (for example, 12-18 months within the project duration) by generating and/or synthesising data and insights on the context-specific environmentally mediated health effects of climate change.
  • Influence change: Teams must be able to articulate a clear theory of change and strong understanding of policy levers. There must be a policy opportunity that can be targeted within the 3-year timeline. They must demonstrate the demand driving the research, the pull-factors in the policy opportunity targeted, the policy implications of the proposed set of activities and how these can be achieved within the timeframe of the award. They must also show how their research design is innovative and will lead to the desired impact, supporting meaningful and sustainable climate and health action.
  • Engage people: Meaningfully engage relevant stakeholders and communities from the outset. This should be reflected in the composition of the team as well as the design of the research proposal and communication strategy. Wellcome supports the use of an engaged research approach. This approach asks researchers to include engagement in the design of their project, while being inclusive of a range of stakeholders.

For this award, relevant stakeholders and communities could include: 

  • local or national governments
  • civil society and community-based organisations
  • international or multilateral organisations
  • private sector or legal sector

We strongly urge providing letters of support for any stakeholder involved in the project, especially if working with Indigenous and/or impacted communities.

A wide range of approaches are acceptable if these achieve the objectives of the award. We expect coapplicants with a diversity of expertise to be included in the application. 

While not a requirement, we are particularly interested in receiving proposals that:

  • include economic analysis within the programme of work
  • foster collaborations with private sector partners
  • advance understanding of the limits of adaptation to climate change
  • advance narratives that support climate change mitigation
  • address policies that support worker health
  • look at climate risk on multiple time scales

View research funded by this scheme.

Inclusive research design

The proposed research should be equitable, diverse and inclusive in a way that is appropriate to the place in which the research is conducted and the aims of the research or other activities. 

This should focus on: 

  • Who defines and does the research: we expect our applicants to demonstrate to us that their research community has substantive input from, and engagement with, the primary end users or subjects of their research, be they patients, participants or policymakers.
  • How the research is done: we expect our applicants to demonstrate to us that their research agenda and the design and conduct of their research substantively engages with the needs and values of the people and communities who are participating in, or are the subject of, their research.
  • Who benefits from the research: Wellcome already has a commitment to focusing on those most affected by our health challenges. We expect our applicants to be able to demonstrate within their research and activity plans that their outputs will be made meaningfully accessible and used by those who most need it and, if appropriate, those who participated in the research.

What is in scope

Wellcome’s Climate and Health team will continue to modify the award each year, guided by learnings and insights from the past year and broader trends in the climate and health space. What is in/out of scope this year may not be the same in subsequent years, as well as the remit and assessment criteria.

In scope

  • Proposals where the primary focus is on the current or future direct and environmentally mediated physical or mental health outcomes attributable to climate change (Haines and Ebi 2019 for definitions), making the health effects of climate change visible.
  • Proposals that include the three key elements of:
    1. an evidence gap that can be filled in the short time available
    2. a clear policy pathway to influence change
    3. an engaged research approach with key stakeholders identified (including a communication strategy) 

Out of scope

  • Proposals submitted in the first or second round of the scheme that were not shortlisted.
  • Proposals that were shortlisted in the first or second round that have not undergone significant revision.
  • Proposals that have already been resubmitted once.
  • Proposals where the primary focus is on:
    • Socially mediated health effects (such as migration and livelihoods) - we are aware that all health outcomes have a social context but are looking for research where environmentally driven aspects of climate change are the primary driver(s) of a given health outcome.
    • Current or future health effects attributable to the consequences of climate change action (mitigation or adaptation). Wellcome is not looking to fund research on these unintended consequences of maladaptation through this award. We may consider funding opportunities on those topics in the future.
    • Current or future health effects attributable to the drivers of climate change (for example, fossil fuel emissions). For instance, proposals cannot focus solely on fossil-fuel related air pollution but can include air pollution as a secondary driver of a given health outcome.
  • Proposals where the goal of the project is general advocacy for a specific issue, rather than specific policy opportunities that can be achieved in a realistic timeframe through targeted and co-produced evidence and communications activities.
  • Proposals where the three key elements are not articulated.

Research costs we will cover 

How to apply 

Before you apply

Submit your application to your administering organisation for approval 

  • Complete your application form on the Wellcome Funding Platform.
  • Submit it to the 'authorised approver' at your administering organisation for approval. Make sure you leave enough time for the approver to review and submit your application before the deadline. The approver may ask you to make changes to your application.

Administering organisation approves and submits your application to Wellcome 

  • Your application must be submitted by 17:00 BST on the deadline day, 30 April 2025.


  • We will check your eligibility for the scheme and that your application is within the scheme’s remit. If your application is ineligible or not within the scheme’s remit, we will withdraw your application and notify you.
  • The Climate Impacts Awards Advisory Funding Committee will assess eligible and in remit applications against the assessment criteria outlined below, to make shortlisting recommendations to Wellcome.
  • Committee membership will be comprised of a diverse range of international members and will take into account Wellcome’s diversity and inclusion priorities.
  • Once the committee has been appointed, we will update this webpage to include its details.
  • If your application is shortlisted, it will proceed to the next stage.
  • We are unable to provide feedback on applications that are not shortlisted.  

Final Committee Review  

  • The Climate Impacts Awards Advisory Funding Committee will review shortlisted proposals and make funding recommendations to Wellcome.  

Funding decision

  • Final funding decisions will be made by Wellcome’s Climate and Health team.
  • You will receive an email notification of the funding decision soon after the decision has been made in late August 2025.
  • The reasons for a decision will be provided to unsuccessful applicants in writing.

Where to apply

You need to apply for this scheme on the Wellcome Funding Platform. You can save your application and return to it at any time. 

Get some tips to help you write your grant application

Download application questions

Timing considerations for your application

You must leave enough time for:

  • you to read everything on this page before applying
  • you and your coapplicants to complete the application
  • your administering organisation to review, offer feedback and for you to apply any suggested amendments
  • you to submit the application to Wellcome by 17:00 BST, 30 April 2025

Getting support with your application

If you need further support with completing your application, please contact us. 

Disability support 

If you are disabled or have a long-term health condition, we offer support to help you with the grant application process. We can also provide support completing your project. For example, providing costs for assistive technology or assistance animals. 

If this is your organisation’s first time applying for Wellcome funding 

If this is your organisation’s first time applying for Wellcome funding, you will need to contact us to request an organisation account.

Email with your organisation’s:

  • name
  • address
  • country
  • team email address for the people who will approve and submit your application (this is usually a research management team)

We will create the organisation account and provide access to the approvers. Review our guidance for research offices.

How applications are assessed 

The total number of projects we fund through this award will depend on several factors, such as the number and quality of applications received. 

For this scheme, there is a preference for proposals focused on policy outcomes informed by communities most impacted by climate change in both HICs and LMICs. There is no preference for single or multi-country studies. We are looking for proposals that aim to demonstrate the scale of the problem and the potential for climate action at scale.

There is no preference for proposals that generate new data versus synthesise available data. Data should be managed/collected following the FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship.

Policy opportunity (25% weighting)

  • Theory of change: the team provides a plausible theory of change with a clear problem articulation, that describes where the climate and health evidence gap is (and explicitly frames it in the context of a changing climate), how the team will address it and how the team will use the evidence to target a specific policy opportunity.
  • Clarity about the policy opportunity and implications of the proposed activities.
  • Potential to have policy impact in the timeframe of the award. For example, is this work scalable or transferable?
  • Evidence of demand for this research. 

Research and methods (25% weighting) 

  • Relevance of the proposed work in driving context-specific climate action.
  • The importance of the proposed work in the context of the health impact.
  • Appropriateness of the research approach.
  • The quality, innovation and mix of methodologies proposed. For example, is the presented theoretical and conceptual framework informed by different perspectives (such as natural sciences, social sciences, epidemiological analysis, economic analysis, political analysis and climate sciences).
  • Justification for the chosen methods, including qualitative and quantitative work packages.

Engaged research (25% weighting) 

  • Clear identification and justification of key stakeholders and impacted communities' involvement (for example, local, or national governments, civil society, community-based organisations, international or multilateral organisations, private sector, local or national government).
  • Evidence of stakeholders and impacted communities contributing to the research design and research questions and their involvement is clearly shown throughout the lifespan of the proposed activities. For example, if the project responds to the needs, interests and capacities of the stakeholders and impacted communities.
  • The engagement methods and framework that will be used and how these are integrated and beneficial to the wider ambitions of the project.
  • Relevance and innovation of the proposed communication strategy. For example, the ability to communicate the policy opportunity, implications of the proposed activities and engagement with key stakeholders.

Team, skills and experience (25% weighting)

  • Transdisciplinary teams: the team composition includes an appropriate combination of individuals and organisations with the capacity, skills and experience to deliver the project and its intended outcomes. Outline how your team will work across the science-policy-society interface and has expertise in climate and health.
  • Successful partnerships: evidence of a history of working together and using a transdisciplinary approach.
  • Evidence that the team has the relevant expertise to deliver the approach and methods outlined. For example, triallists, policy analysis, policy practice, engagement practices and communication strategies.
  • Evidence of a commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion. For example, your approach to recruiting a diverse team and how you will promote inclusion of members in the research and outputs produced.
  • Clear articulation of what a positive research culture is and how teams will foster this through their future work. 

Applicants do not need to submit ethics approval to the administering organisation by the deadline but should give some consideration to potential ethical issues that may arise through the proposed work in the application. 

Please provide any relevant links including publications, websites, social media and videos. We advise you to use links strategically, and be sure to include all of the crucial information in the text of the application as the reviewers are not required to go through each link. Any links must be written out in full URL format.

About this scheme 

The Climate Impacts Awards were launched in 2023. To date, Wellcome has funded 22 innovative global projects through this scheme.

The aim of this scheme is to make the impacts of climate change visible across a wide range of physical and mental health outcomes in order to drive urgent climate policy change at scale.

The Climate Impacts Awards incorporate the three key elements of Wellcome’s approach:

  • Funding research
  • Advocating for policy change
  • Engaging with people

By engaging key stakeholders from the outset and embedding different expertise in the research design, we expect that teams will use evidence and impactful narratives on the effects of climate change on health to drive urgent policy change that supports collaborative solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

This scheme aims to make the impacts of climate change on health visible. There are many reasons the impacts of climate change could be invisible.

These include but are not limited to:

  • distance: decision makers not being based where the impacts are happening
  • ideology: political polarisation results in missing voices, disinformation or lack of information
  • unseen: some of the climate impacts of environmental drivers of health outcomes (for example, certain chemicals, pollutants or microscopic organisms) may not be visible and therefore may be ignored 
  • linkage: the links between climate change and health effects not being explicitly made or understood
  • low priority: climate change's effects on health are not given much focus due to competing priorities, unconvincing analyses and communications challenges

Key dates 

  1. 6 February 2025

    Scheme opens to applications

  2. 3 March 2025, 12:00 GMT


    Watch the recording
  3. 30 April 2025

    Application deadline

  4. August 2025


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