How to report grant progress

Each year, we ask our grantholders to complete an annual progress report on their funded work so we can monitor and evaluate the research and other activities we support.

We send you an automated email every year asking you to submit your progress report on the Wellcome Funding platform.

We do not expect you to submit a report if you are:

  • in the process of applying for an extension of six months or more
  • on any type of leave from your grant

Sample annual progress reports 

We’re currently reviewing the questions we ask in our annual progress reports. We’ll publish new versions of our sample annual report forms on this page in August 2024.

View our 2023 sample annual progress report forms to see the kind of information you need to provide:

End-of-grant reporting 

Annual progress reports are different form end-of-grant reports. Read how to complete an end-of-grant report.

Questions about annual reporting 

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