Sally Nicholas, Head of Vector Control & Therapeutics
Sally was appointed Head of Health Systems and Environment in 2021, and currently leads a team which seeks to strengthen health systems and increase access to medicines globally.
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Sally's team also focuses on research to elucidate the link between global heating and enteric and vector-borne diseases.
In her previous role, Sally designed and led one of Wellcome’s flagship initiatives, deploying £20 million per year to reduce the burden of enteric and diarrhoeal disease in low- and middle-income countries by accelerating vaccine and monoclonal antibody development.
Sally additionally led the Innovator Award funding program, supporting early stage translational projects to develop small molecule drugs, biologics, vaccines and diagnostics across a range of disease areas.
Prior to joining Wellcome, Sally spent several years in the technology transfer sector, successfully commercialising a number of early stage technologies. Sally holds an PhD in Immunology and an MBA.