Narrator: Around nine or so miles outside Cambridge, in the east of England, is a quaint village called Hinxton.
And here, back in the 90s, a group of researchers took part in one of modern science's greatest projects... sequencing the human genome, the 3 billion base pairs of our DNA. Specifically, at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.
Michael Dunn, Wellcome’s Director of Discovery Research: A lot of scientists would say, 'Why would you sequence the whole genome, we're only interested in the interesting bits...'
Narrator: And that, there, is Michael Dunn. Wellcome’s Director of Discovery Research.
Michael Dunn: But of course you don't know what the interesting bits are unless you know what the whole thing looks like. So it's. a bit like taking apart a car and saying, 'well this bit doesn't look that interesting'. But actually it turns out it's the ignition and you can't figure out how to kind of work a car without an ignition.
Narrator: Jump to 2003... the Human Genome Project came to an end. All data made public.
The world could see, for the first time, a set of instructions to build a human being.
Michael Dunn: Just a pure knowledge of the fundamental underpinnings of disease from a genomics standpoint gives you early diagnoses, it gives you early ways of maybe being able to prevent disease.
Narrator: The Human Genome Project revolutionised how we think about health. Though, more than anything it confirmed just how complex and unique each human is.
Our DNA might be 99.9% identical... but... that 0.1% really matters. So... what does that mean for our health?
Mediocre science, terrible science policy. Most of the genome doesn't encode proteins and is junk.
The Human Genome Project faced criticism from its earliest days.
Michael Dunn: You spent all this money. $3 billion that's gone into this project. Where are the tangible benefits to human health that we were promised? That was quite a difficult one to counter because actually they weren't, you know, a whole suite of therapies and cures that were kind of, like, coming out straight after.
But, fundamentally, what did happen was it completely changed biological research and then now, ten, twenty years later, you can hardly look at a newspaper without seeing a new therapy that would not have been developed without knowledge of the human genome.
Narrator: If you're working in the field today, the technology and processes from back in the 90s would be pretty much unrecognisable. Full genomes can now be sequenced in just a few hours, rather than years.
There are teams out there hoping to map all the different cells in our body, and sequenced the genomes of every known animal, plant and fungi on Earth.
We can even edit individual genes using tools such as CRISPR, opening up new ways of treating genetic diseases like sickle cell disease and beta thalassaemia.
But despite all the growth and discovery in the field, there's a problem.
This data should explain...
It's a diagram showing groups of people who've had their DNA sequenced in large-scale genomic studies.
Straight away you’ll notice that the most studied population is broadly labelled as ‘European’. Only around 10% of the data
is labelled as Asian, 2% African... 1% Hispanic.
Dr Segun Fatumo: If we continue to study one population, we're gonna be missing out genetic discovery.
Narrator: That's Dr Segun Fatumo. He’s Professor and Chair of Genomic Diversity at Queen Mary University of London.
Dr Segun Fatumo: Africa is the most genetically diverse population in the whole world. We are doing ourself harm if our focus is just primarily on just one population. We need to get to a point where we study a population, we capture all genetic variants that could be potential for treatments, for predictive medicine and also for prevention.
Narrator: Take polygenic risk scores, a way of predicting someone’s disease risk using their genes and other data.
A few years ago, one study found that they are more than four times more accurate for people of European ancestry than those of African ancestry, and two times more accurate than those of East Asian ancestry.
One big reason?
Well, between 2008 and 2017, the first decade of polygenic scoring research, over two thirds of studies used people of European ancestry exclusively. Only 3.8% were amongst African, Hispanic or Indigenous peoples.
If we want genomic healthcare and medicine to really help everyone and be accurate for everyone, then we must diversify genomic data.
Dr Segun Fatumo: So currently we have a medication that is called PCSK9 inhibitor. So this medication came into existence because some African ancestry individuals were included in the study. So in that study they found that those individuals, they literally have a genetic variant that is helping them to lower cholesterol. And the medication that we have to day, that is a miracle, to lower cholesterol, is not only used for African ancestry individuals but useful for everyone from all over the world.
Narrator: Studying more populations brings
us closer to breakthroughs like this.
Researchers are realising that genomic data can reveal key pieces of information about infection, metabolism, even mental health... or how climate change impacts our bodies.
It's also worth pointing out that sequencing a full human genome is nowhere near as expensive as it used to be.
Really nowhere near. Around $95 million less.
Dr Segun Fatumo: There might be some example that we have not found yet in Latin American population, in Indigenous population in Canada or in Australia. So there's need for us to gather genomic data from all backgrounds. So, the issue of data privacy and protection is very, very important. Previously, there have been an issue about exploitation where scientists from high-income country would just fly to low-income country. And they take a sample, and they extra DNA, and they fly back to their country. So that issue has been there. The issue of colonisation has been there. So now we need to get to a stage where we can build trust, where everybody is seen as making a significant contribution.
Narrator: Genomics has grown up fast. Ever since the Human Genome Project began, the field has been radically transforming technology and healthcare. However, despite
all the rapid progress, it’s not helping everyone equally.
There's a risk that health inequalities will continue to grow unless we diversify the current global research landscape to better understand as many people and populations as possible.
It's going to take time... but this next moment is crucial if we want to build trust and knowledge within genomic healthcare.
And make sure we're all a part of its future.