Health, Medicine and Society


  • Dr Lauren Kassell

    University of Cambridge

Project summary

The MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society (HMS) launched in 2017 and gives students with a first-class degree or equivalent, interdisciplinary training in the history, philosophy, anthropology and sociology of health and medicine. The programme is structured around taught modules across the four disciplines that are key to three research essays supported by one-to-one supervision. Students have a course manager and individual subject managers to help choose modules and identify a dissertation topic. The 15,000-word dissertation allows students to master a topic and the way to address it. No other programme in the UK trains students in these four disciplines. 

Cambridge is a vibrant international hub of humanities and social sciences research and students on the course are supervised by leading scholars. By the end of the course, the students will be able to think critically and independently about the meanings of health and medicine.