Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
Information about ORCID and why Wellcome is supporting it.
What is ORCID?
ORCID is a free, not-for-profit service offering each researcher a unique digital identifier. This helps researchers to distinguish their work and helps funders link researcher output to funding.
Why does Wellcome support ORCID?
Wellcome has been a supporter of ORCID since its inception in 2010, recognising that ORCID can greatly help reduce administrative work in job applications, grant applications and research activity reporting.
Since August 2015, Wellcome has required all lead applicants to provide an ORCID ID when completing an application form (with the exception of Engaging Science grant applications). Applicants who don’t have an ORCID ID can register for one via the ORCID website.
Through ORCID, researchers can allow funders, publishers and research organisations to access the information in their ORCID profile during grant and manuscript submission and/or when completing job applications. In the future, we’ll be able to automatically capture research-related information linked to individuals, to simplify and speed up grant application and reporting processes.
We also anticipate a range of broader benefits to research: for example, connecting research-related information to support career tracking, and helping to identify peer reviewers and potential collaborators.
How do I register my ORCID with Wellcome?
If you have already registered with Wellcome Funding, you can add or verify your existing ORCID ID on the Basic Information page of your account profile.
If you don’t have a Wellcome Funding account or an ORCID ID, you can register for both during the Wellcome Funding registration process.
Can I remove my ORCID ID once I’ve registered it with Wellcome Funding?
Yes, you can add or remove it on the Basic Information page of your account profile. You will need to make sure it’s added before you submit a grant application.
More information about ORCID
Contact us
Contact our Funding Information Team if you have a question about funding.
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