How organisations can approve and submit applications to Wellcome
When a lead applicant prepares their application, it must first be approved by their organisation before it can be submitted to Wellcome. Find out what organisations need to do.
Editing an application
You can download a PDF of the application form questions on the ‘How to apply’ section of the relevant funding page.
How to view and edit draft applications
After the lead applicant adds the organisation to the application, the application will be listed on the ‘Applications’ page in the organisation workspace. An organisation approver who is part of the workspace will be able to view and edit the application. You will receive an email notification to the email address that you provided when you set up the organisation workspace.
The lead applicant does not need to submit the application to their administering organisation for the organisation approver to be able to view and edit the draft application. However, the organisation approver will only be able to submit the application after the lead applicant has submitted it to them.
If you don’t have access to an organisation workspace, you can ask the lead applicant to invite you as a ‘guest editor’ which will allow you to view and edit the application but not submit it.
If you are registered as a guest editor on an application form, you cannot be added to the organisation's workspace. If you are part of the organisation's workspace, you cannot be added as a guest editor on an application form. If you want to change the type of account you have, contact
How applicants can see the edits
All changes to the application are automatically saved on the platform. Anyone with access to the draft application will be able to see any changes that have been made straight away, so everyone is viewing the same version.
How many people can edit an application on the Wellcome Funding platform at the same time
More than one person can edit the application form at the same time but only one person can edit a section of the application form at the same time. For example, someone can edit the 'research summary' section while someone else is working on the 'costs' section. If someone is editing a section then you will be able to see the changes that are being made but you will not be able to make any changes to that section yourself until they’ve finished.
Completing an application form and submitting it to the administering organisation
How many lead applicants can be on a single application
Each application form can only have one lead applicant. Other applicants will need to be added as coapplicants, depending on the requirements of the funding call or scheme. For more information, read about the roles and responsibilities of people involved in Wellcome funding applications. Only the lead applicant can submit the application to their administering organisation.
How to mark form sections as complete
Every section of the application form must be ‘marked as complete’ to submit it to the administering organisation. You can do this by clicking the ‘mark as complete’ button at the bottom of each form page. If you mark a section as complete, you can still make edits and mark it as complete again at any point before submitting the application.
How to download a PDF of the application form
Both the applicants and the organisation can download the completed application form as a PDF. They can do this after the lead applicant submits the application to their organisation or after the organisation submits the application to Wellcome. We do not currently provide PDFs of in-progress applications.
Submitting an application to Wellcome
All applications (apart from preliminary applications) will need to be approved by the lead applicant's administering organisation. After the lead applicant has submitted to their administering organisation, an organisation approver in the organisation’s workspace can approve it. Applicants won’t need to name a specific organisational approver.
How to see which applications need approving
On the ‘Applications’ page, the applications which have been submitted for approval will appear at the top of the list, marked ‘Ready to be reviewed and submitted to Wellcome’.
How to edit the application form after it has been submitted to the organisation
On each form section, there is an option to ‘edit page’. Selecting this will make the form fields editable. When you have completed your edits, select ‘Finish editing’.
How to leave feedback for the applicants
On each form section, there are options to mark the section as ‘Changes needed’ or ‘No changes needed’. Selecting ‘Changes needed’ will open a comment box for you to leave feedback. The applicants will not see this feedback until you return the whole application to them.
How to return the application to the applicants for further edits
When you have checked all sections, you can return the application to the applicants for further edits by selecting ‘Return to applicant’ on the form overview page.
How to submit applications to Wellcome
To submit the application to Wellcome you must check and approve each section. You can do this by:
- selecting ‘No changes needed’ on each form section individually, or
- selecting ‘Approve all sections’ on the application form overview page.
When all form sections have been reviewed, you can submit the application to Wellcome by selecting ‘Submit to Wellcome’ on the form overview page.
Editing an application after it’s been submitted to Wellcome
The Funding Information Team at Wellcome can return the application to the applicant, and the applicant will then be able to edit and submit it to the administering organisation. Email if you need the Funding Information Team to help you with this.
Watch how to edit, review and submit an application
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Contact us
Contact our Funding Information Team if you have a question about funding.