How to acknowledge Wellcome funding in research outputs

You must acknowledge Wellcome's support in all your research publications and other outputs. This enables us to monitor and evaluate the outputs of the research we fund.

You must list Wellcome and your grant number in all your research outputs. This applies to all your research outputs to which Wellcome funding contributed.

Make sure your acknowledgement:

  • is included in the funding or any other relevant section
  • contains the name(s) of your funder(s) in full
  • contains all grant reference numbers in square brackets.

If you have more than one Wellcome grant, separate each grant number with a comma and space.

If you need to acknowledge more than one funder, separate each one with a semi-colon.


Single grant

'This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust [grant number].'

Multiple grants and funders

'This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust [grant number], [grant number]; Cancer Research UK [grant number]; another funder [grant number]; etc.'

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