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Press release
Press release

What Sex did to the X – and Why

A chromosome account of evolution and revolution The human X chromosome is about sex and how it evolved. It also has a unique position in the history of genetics – and the…
Press release
Press release

Wellcome Trust unveils new funding framework

We today announce an evolution of the Wellcome Trust funding framework that will enhance our ability to support excellent research, both in the UK and worldwide.
Press release
Press release

Antibiotic crisis needs united global response

Growing resistance among pathogens to antibiotics and other drugs demands a coordinated global response on the same scale as efforts to address climate change, say experts…
Press release
Press release

2012 Wellcome Trust Book Prize longlist announced

The longlist for the £25 000 Wellcome Trust Book Prize was announced yesterday, bringing together a varied range of fiction and non-fiction on the theme of health, illness…