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Campaigns to get young people to stop smoking may be more successful by focusing on the positive benefits, such as having more money and better skin, rather than emphasising…
A study published today in the journal ‘Science’ shows how our bodies try to minimise potential ‘collateral damage’ caused by our immune system when fighting infection. The…
Research teams led by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have revealed the first comprehensive analyses of cancer genomes. The results are published today in the journal ‘…
A team of UK researchers has identified the most accurate test for identifying HPV-related head and neck cancers, which they hope will become the diagnostic standard and have…
Researchers have identified four new genetic regions that influence birth weight, providing further evidence that genes as well as maternal nutrition are important for growth…
Health and scientific research will be severely threatened if proposed amendments to the Data Protection Regulation are taken forward by the European Parliament, warns a pan-…
Complete back issues covering nearly 200 years of historically significant biomedical journals are being made freely available online as a result of a Wellcome Trust project.
The extent to which our development is affected by nature or nurture - our genetic make-up or our environment - may differ depending on where we live, according to research…
Our medical records hold valuable information that could help save and improve lives, say leading medical research organisations today. By allowing researchers access to the…
People with mental health problems have a lower life expectancy, according to a large-scale population-based study published today in the ‘British Medical Journal’. The…
New research uncovers two genetic regions that influence birth weight. One of the regions is also associated with type 2 diabetes, which helps to explain why small babies…
The research community has welcomed a vote on the new European Data Protection Regulation, which includes proportionate safeguards on how personal data is used in health…
One in six pregnancies among women in Britain are unplanned, and one in 60 women (1.5%) experience an unplanned pregnancy in a year, according to new results from the third…
Each pound invested in cancer research generates a continuous stream of benefits equal to earning 40 pence a year thereafter, according to a report published today in BMC…
A million Rohingya refugees in crowded shelters with poor sanitation – ideal conditions for infections to spread. Here’s how to stop these deadly outbreaks.
A new candidate malaria vaccine with the potential to neutralise all strains of the most deadly species of malaria parasite has been developed by a team led by scientists at…
A new vaccine to combat tuberculosis is less effective at stimulating an immune response when administered to Gambian infants in combination with the routine immunisation…
The UK's structural biology community will have access to the most advanced crystallography technology in the world thanks to a £5.64 million investment from UK research…