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We fund research that uses animals if it is legal, ethical and scientifically justified. Find out what researchers and organisations must do to comply, including what animals…
This Wellcome Collection exhibition brings together over 100 objects from literature, film, taxidermy and photography to examine what we think, feel and value about other…
The Wellcome Trust has signed a concordat on openness on animal research in the UK, joining 72 other organisations across the scientific sector, including universities,…
Today, at a meeting at the Royal Society with the HRH Prince of Wales, representatives from over 20 countries will consider the immediate actions different nations can take…
The heads of the three main funding bodies for bioscience research in the UK have today written an open letter to the vice-chancellors and principals of universities and…
Created by poet Koleka Putuma and illustrator Ivvy Chen, this animation beautifully captures young people’s approach to dealing with the challenges of Covid-19 lockdowns.
Zoonotic diseases represent a major global public health problem due to our close relationship with animals. But how do they spread and how can they be prevented?
Once regarded as an inert scaffold or ‘glue’ the extracellular matrix - the molecules that surround and support animal cells - has been shown to have crucial roles in the…
Sirtuins, proteins believed to significantly increase lifespan in a number of organisms - and the claimed target of some anti-ageing creams - do not, in fact, affect animal…
The Wellcome Trust is funding a new research programme at the University of Oxford to investigate how the brain supports complex mental processes, and inform our…
Understanding how human cells and tissues operate can help us fight diseases and develop new drugs. Creating lab-based models of tissues is one way to do this, but it has its…
The Wellcome Trust announced today that its AAA (stable) credit rating has been reaffirmed by Standard & Poor’s. The Trust continues to be rated Aaa (stable) by Moody’s…
Covid-19 alerted the world to the devastating potential of pandemics in the 21st century. Photojournalist Hugh Kinsella Cunningham and writer and public health professional,…
The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Medical Research Council (MRC) and Wellcome Trust have responded to the independent Review of Research…