Wellcome Trust partners with other European foundations to fund research

The Wellcome Trust has entered into a partnership with the Volkswagen Foundation in Germany and the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond in Sweden to support the Europe and Global Challenges funding initiative.

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The funding initiative is open to teams of researchers, working in European and non-European countries, who have research proposals that address global challenges. Problems such as food security, global pandemics and economic instability all need solutions that can only be achieved by building collaboration across borders.

The Europe and Global Challenges initiative has been running since 2009, and there are ten on-going projects currently being funded. Previous calls have been in partnership with a range of different European foundations, but this is the first time that the Wellcome Trust has supported the initiative.

Dr Jeremy Farrar, Director of the Wellcome Trust, said: “Nurturing partnerships with European foundations is an important way that the Wellcome Trust can support international collaboration between researchers. Where we have common interests, European foundations can take stronger action when we work together.”

Dr Wilhelm Krull, Secretary General of the Volkswagen Foundation, said: "We are pleased that the Wellcome Trust, the largest European foundation, has joined our funding community. Together we aim to support researchers to dedicate themselves to the global challenges."

Funding is aimed at social scientists, although teams of researchers with different areas of expertise are strongly encouraged, for example in public health and ecology. Ideally, the majority of the researchers should be working outside of Europe, but participation of at least one principal investigator from Germany, Sweden or the UK is recommended.

The deadline for submission of draft applications to the Volkswagen Foundation is 30 January 2015. More information about the initiative and how to apply is available from the Volkswagen Foundation website.