Wellcome responds to HFEA license decision on mitochondrial donation

Commenting on the HFEA’s decision to allow clinics to apply for a license to carry out mitochondrial donation, Wellcome Director Dr Jeremy Farrar said:

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“This is a landmark day for people living with mitochondrial disease.

“For over 10 years Wellcome has supported brilliant researchers at Newcastle University pioneering mitochondrial donation. It’s right there’s been such a thorough process to get to this stage. Our long-term support for the science, and close co-ordination with patient groups, policy-makers and regulators have been critical in reaching today’s outcome. Through our funding of the Wellcome Centre for Mitochondrial Research we look forward to continuing to support this work.”

“We must recognise, though, that for some affected families this decision may have come too late. The scientific community must continue to work closely with policy and the regulatory system so future innovative, cutting-edge techniques reach patients faster.” 

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