Using visual dysfunction to understand dementia in Parkinson's disease


  • Dr Rimona Weil

    University College London, United Kingdom

Project summary

Dementia is common in Parkinson's, being six times more likely in Parkinson's patients than in the general population. Despite this, those working in the Parkinson?s community avoid using the word or having discussions about dementia due to worries about adverse responses from patients. While a difficult conversation, new tools are needed to create awareness and open dialogue, so that we can better help patients and involve them in research and treatment targeted at dementia in Parkinson's. In clinic, early conversations about Parkinson's dementia can help patients gain access to appropriate support, prepare for the future, and benefit from treatments to slow progression of dementia in Parkinson's. Therefore this project will:

- Identify roots and triggers of discomfort linked with the concept of dementia within the Parkinson's community

- Co-produce information resources to support dialogue and awareness including: (i) a clinical tool to enable discussion of dementia between professionals and people with Parkinson's, (ii) a hub of accessible, non-threatening information for people with Parkinson's to learn about their risks

- Embed toolkits in Parkinson's UK's resource packages and run a campaign to raise awareness of the risk of dementia and the toolkits.