Using ultra-high field MRI to investigate brain iron in the infant brain

Year of award: 2024


  • Dr Chiara Casella

    King's College London, United Kingdom

Project summary

In this Early Career Award, I will open a new window into the developing brain and address the critical issue of brain iron imbalance during early infancy. I will leverage advanced ultra-high field MRI technology to non-invasively identify and monitor brain iron abnormalities in the initial months after birth, a previously challenging task due to the low iron concentrations in the infant brain. I will provide ground-breaking insight into the role of brain iron in neurodevelopment and brain tissue maturation, and assess the link between brain iron imbalance in preterm birth and later neurological outcome. I will also explore whether routinely measurable signatures of brain iron imbalance can be identified in preterm babies, implying huge potential for clinical translation and applicability of findings. The ability to track and study iron in the infant brain in-vivo holds significant diagnostic potential and will be essential for identifying possible brain abnormalities associated with iron imbalance in early life.