Using Mendelian randomisation to determine whether iron status is causally linked to severe infections and death in African children


  • Dr John Muriuki

    Kemri-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kenya

Project summary

Iron deficiency and anaemia are common in sub-Saharan Africa and giving iron is the main approach for treatment. However, infectious pathogens also require iron to grow and multiply and it is not clear whether giving iron increases the risk of infection and death. In this project I will apply a new approach called Mendelian randomisation to determine whether iron status and anaemia influence the risk of severe infections and death. I have already identified novel genetic variants that alter iron status and anaemia in African children. I plan to use these genetic variants to determine if iron status and anaemia influence the risk of severe malaria, bacteraemia, tuberculosis, and deaths in large case-control studies in Africa. It is important to know whether iron levels influence infection and death because that will influence policy on giving iron supplements to those in need.