Understanding the lived experiences and support needs of minoritised ethnic people with multiple long-term conditions

Year of award: 2024


  • Dr Brenda Hayanga

    City St George's, University of London, United Kingdom

Project summary

The aim of this study is to advance understanding and transform how healthcare providers construct, respond to, and support minoritised ethnic people with multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs) in local and national contexts. Research in which I have recently been involved has identified ethnic inequalities in the prevalence, impact, care quality, experience of primary care, and support to manage conditions for people with MLTCs living in the UK. Yet, we know little about what is needed to improve health outcomes for this population. To address this gap, this study will use narrative interviews and journey mapping guided by an intersectionality framework to produce an in-depth understanding of the experiences and challenges of managing MLTCs from the perspective of minoritised ethnic people with MLTCs, carers, community leaders, healthcare professionals and policymakers in London, Coventry and Manchester. Particularly, the project will (1)explore how minoritised ethnic people with MLTCs and their carers understand and conceptualise MLTCs, (2)identify the range of needs, views and circumstances that influence their management of MLTCs, (3)identify how they want to be supported to manage MLTCs (4)examine the processes preventing/enabling healthcare professionals to adequately support them (5)identify the system changes required to support them to adequately manage their conditions