Understanding and addressing intimate partner violence (IPV) in forced migrant (refugee) communities in Durban, South Africa
Year of award: 2021
Ms Jane Ndungu
Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Project summary
Forced migration is increasing globally, and forced migrants (refugees) have worse health, including higher rates of intimate partner violence (IPV), driven by exposure to violence, discrimination, poor mental health, food insecurity and lack of social support. Additionally, forced migrants are often excluded from activities in their host countries, such as participating in interventions. In this study, I will work with young, forced migrants to assess the drivers of IPV and develop an intervention to address this. I will work with a group of young, forced migrants, to first assess the risk factors forced migrants face, then we will then use this data to co-develop an intervention that resonates with their lived experiences, and undertake a basic evaluation of the intervention. Results of this study will inform the development of a larger evaluation of the intervention. There will be extensive engagement with community groups, advocacy groups and national government.