Public health systems for isolated forest communities in the Amazon: ethics and solutions to improve public policies


  • Prof Virgílio Viana

    Amazonas Sustainable Foundation

Project summary

Brazil has many indigenous, traditional people living in isolated parts of the Amazon. Ensuring health for all involves reforming health systems to meet the specific needs of isolated communities.  

We will work with indigenous and traditional communities in the Amazon to undertake a state-of-the-art academic literature review and expert consultations to identify the breadth of scientific, policy and ethical issues specific to extending health systems to this population. The first workshop will ascertain the size of the challenge in the Amazon, policy failures, possible alternatives and ethical issues. The second workshop will explore possible action-research interventions including using new technologies, such as telemedicine, combined with community health providers to deliver public health to isolated communities. One project will then be selected and developed into a large grant proposal.