PRECISE-DYAD: linking maternal and infant health trajectories in sub-Saharan Africa


  • Prof Peter von Dadelszen

    King's College London School of Medicine, United Kingdom

Project summary

Building on existing community engagement activities, each month for two years, we will run 'PRECISE-DYAD open days' to connect with study participants, their families and community members. The aim of this project is to dedicate time for interactive learning and discussions about pregnancy and mother and child health. These open days will take place in the communities where the participants live or at the health centre where the study takes place (The Gambia= 3, Kenya= 2). The choice of location will optimize participation by selecting centrally located/convenient locations.

The PRECISE-DYAD open days will be delivered as follow:

- A variety of interactive activities including storytelling, plays and interactive games on topics related to pregnancy, mental health, brain function and nutrition. These activities will be led by the PRECISE-DYAD health care workers following appropriate training programs.

- Printed material highlighting interesting PRECISE-DYAD study data relating to the community will be shared at the open days. A team member will provide an overview of the study data and encourage further conversation on topics of interest to the attendees.

- Thank-you ceremony and tokens of appreciation will be provided to participants. These will be conducted at the end of ?PRECISE-DYAD open days? and will include wraps to carry children and polaroid pictures of the woman and her child, if present.

- A video will be recorded by a local professional team to showcase community perceptions of maternal and child health.