Neuro-immune Interactions in Health and Disease


  • Prof Leonie Taams

    King's College London

Project summary

Cross-talk between the nervous and immune systems is critical for survival, and disrupted neuro-immune communication is observed in many debilitating conditions, including chronic inflammatory, neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases. Research and training in neuro-immune interactions is generally conducted in discipline-specific silos but our training will foster interdisciplinary research and knowledge-sharing in this field. 

We will provide extensive skills training to transition students in and out of the programme – individually tailored in a personal development plan. A diverse and inclusive training environment will be reflected in our programme management board, supervisors, recruitment and partnership plans. We will have an open and positive research culture, including training in research integrity, data sharing, bespoke mental health provisions and zero-tolerance of bullying and harassment.

Our programme will create a new generation of scientists with the knowledge, skills and networks to drive world-leading neuro-immune research, who can excel equally in academic and non-academic professions.