METADAC Data Access Committee
Year of award: 2018
Prof Madeleine Murtagh
Newcastle University
Project summary
Some of the most important advances in our understanding of health and society are based on longitudinal research studies that collect data and samples from people over many years. Access to data and samples is often restricted to safeguard the people who contributed the data.
We run an independent committee to approve applications from researchers to access data and samples from longitudinal studies in the UK. Our rules for making sure that access to data is safe and secure are based on best practice policies from around the world. We also ensure that the process of applying for access is fair and transparent. We include experts in science, ethics, law and clinical practice as well as study participants when developing our rules on access to data and samples.
We now want to strengthen and promote our systems so that more researchers can use data from longitudinal studies to advance knowledge about health and society and we will work closely with other organisations who keep data and samples from UK longitudinal studies safe and secure.