Mass spectrometry infrastructure for in-cell structural biology

Year of award: 2021


  • Prof Sheena Radford

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Prof Frank Sobott

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Prof Peter Stockley

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Dr Antonio Calabrese

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Dr Elton Zeqiraj

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Prof Neil Ranson

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Prof Adrian Whitehouse

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Prof Nicola Stonehouse

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Prof David Beech

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Prof Robert Ariëns

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Project summary

Proteins are the molecular workhorses of the cell and understanding protein structure and the details of protein interactions with other proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules is essential to understand their function, identify disease mechanisms and uncover new targets for therapies. Moreover, it is vital that we uncover these details directly in cells, as this is where proteins perform their biological functions. New technologies have been developed to label proteins and trap protein-protein interactions in cells, with the results of these experiments detected using a technique called mass spectrometry. However, performing these experiments requires specialised state-of-the-art mass spectrometry instruments. In this proposal we ask for investment to update and transform crucial mass spectrometry infrastructure at Leeds so that we can study protein structure and interactions in the cell. We will use this technology to study the molecular mechanisms of diseases in areas spanning virology, neurobiology and antimicrobial resistance.