LivingBodiesObjects: Technology and the Spaces of Health


  • Prof Stuart Murray

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Dr Clare Barker

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Dr Amelia DeFalco

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Dr Tom Jackson

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Mrs Faye Robinson

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  • Prof James Stark

    University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Project summary

LivingBodiesObects is a project that asks how health research is undertaken: what are the assumptions that govern how the work proceeds?; who decides how to start, and where and when?; why are certain ideas privileged and who gains from this?

Leadership and Management: we want to address the above by moving away from the usual top-down model through which research is often led and managed. Instead, we want to share the design and participation between academic researcher and our project partners, This will give us a better understanding of how health research happens. It will also be more equal for all involved and help participants in thinking about their own health experiences.

Vision: our plan is to explore the above questions by setting up physical and virtual spaces in which academics and non-academics come together to share and investigate ideas and opinions on health, using new technologies in particular.