Living with feeling: emotional health in history, philosophy and experience


  • Prof Thomas Dixon

    Queen Mary University of London

  • Dr Elena Carrera

    Queen Mary University of London

  • Dr Emma Sutton

    Queen Mary University of London

  • Dr Rhodri Hayward

    Queen Mary University of London

  • Dr Tiffany Watt-Smith

    Queen Mary University of London

  • Jules Evans

    Queen Mary University of London

Project summary

This project aims to connect the history and philosophy of medicine and emotions with contemporary science, medical practice, phenomenology and public policy. The project team will investigate: the use of passion as medical treatment; the anatomy of anger as a modern emotionrelationships between religious, philosophical and scientific forms of therapy; time-management and de-cluttering as emotional technologies; the rise of the psychologist parent; the roles of imitation, contagion and mirror neurons in emotional health.