Linking past and present: the evolution of sanitary meat inspection in the UK, 1945-2013
Year of award: 2013
Dr Eleni Michalopoulou
University of Liverpool
Project summary
I will study how regulations controlling the sanitary production of meat have changed in Britain since 1945. I will examine how the risks associated with meat production have been understood and managed by examining regulations and the discussions around them. This period saw the movement of responsibility for sanitary meat inspection from the British government to the European Union and the formal introduction of risk management as a concept and practical element in the design and application of regulations.
I will look at the drivers of change, which may include risks to public health and the requirements of international trade and professional interests. This review will be of interest to the meat industry, other relevant professions such as veterinarians and meat inspectors, and policy makers.
Changes to legislation have consequences for public health. By examining the historical context, this project has the potential to inform the debates that will accompany future legislative changes in the sanitary inspection of meat.