Impact of metabolic cross-feeding interactions in mixed-species chronic wound biofilms on tolerance and evolution of antimicrobial resistance

Year of award: 2024


  • Dr Faizan Sadiq

    Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Project summary

Studies on the microbial ecology of infected wounds have revealed a diverse array of bacterial species, including antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms, that can play detrimental roles in wound healing and disease progression. Bacteria within these wound biofilms can survive antibiotic treatment in clinical settings. I aim to explore metabolic cross-feeding interactions among the coexisting bacterial biofilm communities of chronic wounds. Microbes frequently exchange metabolites and develop metabolic dependencies. There is emerging evidence linking metabolic cross-feeding with tolerance and resistance to antimicrobials. However, this is a strongly understudied area in wound microbial communities. The research will develop a multispecies biofilm model consisting of species associated with chronic wounds. This model will be used to determine how different types of metabolic cross-feeding affect tolerance and resistance evolution against antimicrobials. Understanding cross-feeding will enable us to develop better strategies to control microbial biofilms in wounds by targeting metabolic interactions. This multidisciplinary project employs sophisticated techniques such as whole genome sequencing, RNA-Seq, community-wide metabolic network analysis, and experimental evolutionary biology. Beyond scientific excellence, this project will promote the career progression of the principal candidate by establishing a strong foundation for future research, securing additional funding, and fostering the candidate's professional growth.