Impact of a conditional cash transfer programme on HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis in Brazil, and forecast of effectiveness scenarios
Year of award: 2015
Dr Davide Rasella
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ)
Project summary
Davide is a social epidemiologist with a research focus on the effects of poverty-reduction interventions on health outcomes. His Fellowship aims to evaluate the impact of social determinants of health and of the world’s largest conditional cash transfer programme on morbidity and mortality from tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in Brazil. He will use data from a retrospective virtual cohort of 100 million people for a period of nine years to obtain detailed subpopulation-specific impact estimates. Based on this evaluation he will forecast future effectiveness scenarios according to the evolution of social determinants and to the different implementations of poverty-reduction interventions.
This grant was awarded under the scheme's previous name of Training Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine.