Endosymbiotic bacteria and vector competence: the effects of harbouring spiroplasma on the biology of Anopholes mosquitos


  • Dr Jeremy Herren

    University of Glasgow

Project summary

We will provide a hands-on malaria exploration course for 13-15-year-old students from Mbita in Kenya. The course will be part of the preparation for the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology's (icipe) World Malaria Day (WMD) 2019. It will include a discussion about the students’ experiences of malaria and the challenges of controlling it. This will establish pre-course levels of understanding. We will then teach the basic biology of malaria and its mosquito vectors. The techniques used to study and control mosquito vectors will be introduced using fun, interactive methods. This will be followed by hands-on demonstrations of mosquito nets and how insecticides are used to control mosquitoes. We will also show how to trap mosquitoes, identify ‘malaria’ mosquitoes and assay for microbes. 

The students will design and carry out research projects and present their findings to the public at the icipe’s WMD. This will give them first-hand practical scientific experience. Presenting their experiences will increase the reach of our public engagement and make the scientific experience more relatable.