Dementia: towards a multi-species perspective


  • Dr Nicholas Jenkins

    University of the West of Scotland

Project summary

Dementia is one of the biggest global challenges we face yet, since the word was first coined in modern-day psychiatry, we have tended to understand dementia in human-centric terms.  

By bringing together researchers from across the humanities, social sciences and biological sciences, this project will chart an alternative, multi-species perspective in which relations between human and non-human bodies becomes the primary lens for understanding dementia. Members of the network will work together to produce a shared conceptual framework. 

We shall produce a detailed proposal and draft chapters for an edited collection 'Dementia: A Multi-Species Perspective' that will disseminate members' research as well as the network's emergent, shared conceptual framework. The project will stimulate new ways of understanding and cultivating multi-species approaches to dementia.