Data Democracy for the Health and Wellbeing of Black Communities

Year of award: 2024


  • Dr Celestin Okoroji

    Royal Society of Arts, United Kingdom

Project summary

The research will enhance the understanding of, and ability to, address health outcomes for Black British people by integrating high-quality data with lived experience interpretation through a new approach called ‘Data Democracy’. The key goals of the project are to: Develop new features and enhance existing features of an R package which facilitates the analysis of over one million stop and search records, enabling researchers to study racial disproportionality in the use of police powers and its relationship with health outcomes. From this data, I will publish primary research into the effects of stop-and-search on Black mental health at a population level. As well as implementing and codifying the 'Data Democracy' approach, which empowers Black communities to actively participate in interpreting health data, thereby challenging the epistemic injustice and epistemological violence inherent in UK academia.