Cellular Structural Biology


  • Prof Matthew Higgins

    University of Oxford

Project summary

Structural biology continues to provide one of the most important toolsets for molecular biosciences. It also underlies many industries, supporting biomedical advances in drug and vaccine development and molecular engineering. The recent electron cryo-microscopy revolution has been transformative and advances in tomographic methods will bridge the gap between molecular and cellular levels. 

We will provide broad training in structural biology methods while students conduct research projects. Our cohorts will contain future academic research leaders, who apply structural biology to important cellular systems and/or contribute to development of methodologies. Our programme will prepare students for a wide range of careers, providing project management experience, programming skills, and the experience of working in a precise and numerically rigorous scientific field. 

We aim to train future leaders of industry, equipping them for research and development. Our students will be able to transition to careers in academia, industry and beyond.